The color of our urine is not generally a topic we discuss. Most people pee between six to eight times a day and think little of it. But the color, consistency and odor of your urine can actually tell you a lot about the state of your health. If you’re concerned, ur-ine-luck. We’ve compiled a list of different types of pee so you can see where you fall in terms of well-being.

Light yellow

The most common hue. The light yellow color is caused by the presence of urobilin, a biochemical waste developed from the malfunction of old red cell. This color shows your body is functioning normally.

Dark yellow

Not a strong cause for concern, but a darker yellow could indicate that your body is not receiving enough water. Make sure you are staying properly hydrated.


As well as being terrifying to look at, black or very dark urine may potentially be due to a particular medication or excessive iron intake. However, possible hazards like copper or phenol poisoning, or even melanoma, cannot be ruled out. Time to see the doctor.


Question number one: have I eaten beets recently? Anyone who enjoys a pickled beet from time to time has experienced the bright red pee and the panic that ensues. If you haven’t eaten the root vegetable and your pee is still pink or red, it could indicate blood. That could be the result of a UTI, a kidney or bladder infection, an enlarged prostate or even cancer. See the doctor to rule these out.


Food coloring is the most common cause for blue or green urine, so don’t be too alarmed. Vitamin B can also turn the urine green. Certain medications like amitriptyline (used for depression or pain), Propofol (sedation and anesthesia during surgery) or indomethacin (an Advil-like pain reliever) can also cause blue/green urine.


Like the pink/red urine, a common root vegetable may be the cause of this one. Vitamin C and carotene in carrots can cause orange-colored urine, but it’s not the only reason for orange pee. The most concerning cause of orange urine is liver disease. The orange color is caused by an increase in bilirubin, the chemical responsible for jaundice.


Perhaps you’ve noticed the color is still the normal light yellow, but instead your urine appears cloudy and has a stronger smell. That could be caused by an infection, like a UTI. To combat this, drink more water. Cranberry juice can sometimes be effective. If neither of these work, you may need antibiotics.

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Urine color can vary on a day to day basis, as your diet and fluid intake changes. If the strange color continues beyond the 24-hour timeframe, contact your physician.