As our brains slowly turn to mush while we continue to social distance, it’s time to dive into another brain teaser and blow the cobwebs off the old noggin. This one seems simple, but on another site 97% of people get it wrong on the first try.

Say it slowly: If Teresa’s daughter is my daughter’s mother, what am I to Teresa?

So, what do you think? Will you be in the 3% of people who can figure it out the first time?

Here’s a completely different challenge, so you don’t accidentally see the answer to this one

This straightforward math problem went viral last summer. Can you transport yourself back to fourth-grade math class and come up with the solution? (Hint: It’s not 1.)

OK, back to Teresa

Deceptively tricky, right? But if, like me, you’re still struggling, here’s a little hint: Who is asking the question?

Teresa’s daughter is my daughter’s mother. That means my daughter’s mother is me. That means Teresa’s daughter is me. (Or you. Whoever is asking the question.)

Seems easy when you know the answer, right? It’s good to keep the brain active at a time like this.

There are actually two possible answers, according to Quora:

The answer is either daughter or son-in-law, depending on whether the speaker is female or male.

This is easier to wrap your brain around if you reverse the order of the statement. Thus:

Statement: My daughter’s mother is Teresa’s daughter.

Female speaker: My daughter’s mother = speaker.
Therefore, statement becomes: “Speaker is Teresa’s daughter.”

Answer: Daughter. 

Male speaker: My daughter’s mother = speaker’s wife (for simplicity’s sake). Therefore, statement becomes: “Speaker’s wife is Teresa’s daughter.”

Answer: Son-in-law.

Share this brain teaser with your friends and see how they do.


Want to try another?

This is reportedly Elon Musk’s old favorite job interview question. Here’s the answer.